We Dare You To NOT Get Results

Hey there,

Imagine getting a notification on your phone that you made $10. Now imagine that you get that notification every 7 minutes, 24/7/365...

We DO get that notification every 7 minutes…paying us $10 each and every time. Our average is $180 daily each.

What exactly do we do to make that happen?

That’s easy: Submit generic content - content that is already created for us...for free!


Yup! All you have to do is this:

Yes I want 7 Minute Commissions!

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Regular Price $197

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Follow our step by step instructions to set up your 7 Minute Commissions System.

Use our copy & paste template to simply SUBMIT DUMB, GENERIC CONTENT ONLINE

Sit back and enjoy the notifications on your phone. Take our word for it: It's VERY addictive:)


This is Exactly What Our Unique, Brand New

We are literally sharing our 6-figure-a-year business model with you, nothing held back!

Our Unusual Method Works So Well That I’ll Give You A

​If you’re willing to follow our instructions, it will be IMPOSSIBLE for you NOT to succeed with 7 Minute Commissions.

​Not ‘virtually’ impossible; it will actually be impossible for you NOT to succeed with 7 Minute Commissions, thanks to the way our 15-minute-a-day business model works.

 It's Literally Like Their Heads 

Explode when they hear me say that

People ask me all the time what I do for a living. I explain to them that I simply submit pre-created dumb, generic content for about 15 minutes a day, and that is all... 

They don’t know what to do with that information, because for most people, making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year by working 15 minutes a day doesn’t compute...

...They think you have to be out there in the “real world” working your butt off...BUT YOU DON’T.

…And right now you have a chance to literally start copying what we do…for 15 minutes a day…so that you can change your life; have the life you’ve dreamed of; not having to worry about bills; travel where you want to; live exactly how you want to. 

THAT, my friend, is within reach for you if you choose to follow our footsteps right now.

Well, the first thing you do is pick up this course, which is aptly named “7 Minute Commissions”. 

7 Minute Commissions is a full case study showing every single step that my business partner and I take to make $10 commissions every 7 minutes, around the clock…working 15 minutes a day…simply submitting dumb, generic content...and how to duplicate every single step we take to get there.

I have done online marketing for over 10 years, and promoted thousands of products, but I have never found a method, nor app that makes it literally IMPOSSIBLE to fail with. 

That is literally what you're looking at with 7 Minute Commissions...as long as you take action.

Whether you’re 18 or 80 years old, whether you are an inexperienced newbie or not; 7 Minute Commissions has your back.


I LOVE hearing that 'DING' sound every 7 minutes!

...Any time we hear it means we just got paid $10…and that we’re just 7 minutes away from hearing it again…

All you have to do to duplicate our incredible, life-changing results is pick up 7 Minute Commissions, and follow along as we show you what to do, step by step.

Our method is for you if you’ve had it - you’ve tried method after method, and you JUST WANT TO SEE RESULTS ALREADY. And results you WILL get with 7 Minute Commission; like I’ve said it’s impossible NOT to get them. As long as you take action of course.

​This is also for you if you’re just looking for a little extra income...or if you want to scale!

I Also Know 

That A Lot Of You May Be Struggling Extra Hard Right Now

Life may be tough for a lot of you right now, and I want you to know that I don’t take that lightly. And that’s another thing that’s so great about 7 Minute Commissions; it can give you the kind of security that a “job” just cannot.

I don’t know how long you’ve been struggling to ‘make it’ online, but I know this: I want YOU to have a financial breakthrough, and I want that breakthrough to start TODAY.

That is EXACTLY What

7 Minute Commissions Does

All you have to do to succeed is buy it, set it up, and follow our instructions.

Are you able to do that? Because if you are, I promise you that it will be worth it; you WILL succeed. That’s why we are sharing this wonderful method with you, instead of keeping it to ourselves.

It’s just 7 bucks, and let’s be honest, you’re gonna spend that on something goofy in the next few days anyway, so you may as well jump in with us, and start enjoying the rewards of something that will make a difference in your life. Know what I mean?


Set up your 7 MINUTE COMMISSIONS system.

You’re In The Right Place

Imagine if you had a chance to invest in YouTube back in 2006 when they were nobodies...right before they exploded onto the scene and became worth billions...but you passed it up. Or missing out on Bitcoin when it cost pennies for one Coin (right now it costs tens of thousands per coin…)

It would suck ass, right? My point is that being successful has a lot to do with being in the right place at the right time.

That’s where the GOOD NEWS for you comes in:

​You have managed to do stumble over a method that NO ONE (apart from us) knows about…it’s in its early stages, so it is UNTAPPED, with MASSIVE profit potential.


What are you going to do about it? Will you pass it up...or will you join myself, my partner Vick and a handful others, to get in on this goldmine?


Yes we REALLY make $180 every day (avg commission happens in 7 minutes)


Freaky fast results - got 7 minutes? That's all it takes to see results

Super-Friendly for Beginners!

Setup Done In 15 Minutes - Then It’s On Autopilot

Scalable Like Crazy

Yes I want  7 Minute Commissions

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Regular Price $197

Price Rises In...

I Know That Some Of You May Still Be

This is why we have a 30 day money back guarantee, so that you can prove it to yourself that this works. And if for any reason you’re unhappy with it, we’ll give you a refund within 30 days, of course!

We’re Giving You The EXACT SAME

Tools To Succeed That We Use To

Simply copy your way to success, using the 

step by step video training that walks you through 

everything, no matter your experience level

Complete A-Z 7 MINUTE COMMISSIONS Training


I TOTALLY get it; these days, our market is a bit of a crapshoot, with sensational headlines... leading to a generic, BS copycat products on the back end. That is the exact reason for 7 Minute Commissions; we’re sick of unethical vendors taking advantage of folks who need money; it’s why we are offering a GENUINE method that you can ACTUALLY succeed with...you know, in real life.

I can tell you this with all the confidence in the world: If you knew what we know -  about the impossibility of NOT succeeding with our system, you would get on board this very second. 

​That being said, you DO have to take action of course. No one succeeds with any method or software unless they take action.

​However, if you are willing to simply follow in our footsteps, step by step, inside our member’s area, you have the chance to change your life, starting RIGHT NOW. I hope you take it.

For You, We Are Also Giving You

Inside, you’ll discover the highest profit niches for use with the Avalanche system.

Profit Booster Niches

Yes I want  7 Minute Commissions

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Regular Price $197

Price Rises In...

Our unique app and system CAN get saturated...if enough people start using it.

That would ruin it for everyone, including our students who paid $997 for it. We do NOT want that to happen...

Which is why we are closing the doors to 7 Minute Commissions soon, to prevent saturation. In other words, if you want in; if you want to start profiting, you need to move fast.

Because we could close the doors to this at any point.

Grab 7 Minute Commissions At A

There is NOTHING out there like 7 Minute Commission.

We have spent countless hours perfecting it, so that you can simply copy what we do to make profits with it, and enjoy the results...

A few weeks ago Vick actually sold this system to our coaching students for $997 (and they all made their investment back in about a week).

...But hold the phone...that’s almost a thousand bucks!

This is NOT ‘fake scarcity’ by the way. We are serious about our students and users of our app; we want everyone to stay profitable, so the second we see too many people inside, we close the door, and the 7 Minute Commissions opportunity is gone forever.

Why wait in the first place though?

Every day you spend waiting is another day you’re leaving money on the table; money that SOMEONE ELSE can now get instead of you.

Also remember that the price for 7 Minute Commissions rises with every sale.

There you have it - the ball is in your court now. If you want to be part of this opportunity, simply click the button below, and we will see you on the inside!

Yes I want  7 Minute Commissions

Get Instant Access Now

Secure Checkout  -  30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Regular Price $197

Price Rises In...

Try out 7 Minute Commissions RISK FREE For A Full 30 Days With Our ZERO RISK, No-Questions-Asked 100% Money Back Guarantee

We would never want you to just take our word for it that you will succeed with 7 Minute Commissions. That's why we’re giving you a full 30 Day money-back guarantee, so the risk is 100% on us; you have nothing to lose and absolutely everything to gain.

​Just use 7 Minute Commissions daily, and if you don’t achieve INCREDIBLE results, just email us and we will cheerfully give you a full refund, no questions asked.

Heck, even if you don’t get around to using 7 Minute Commissions and you just change your mind, we will honor our 30 Day money-back guarantee.

Here's Everything You're Getting

With 7 Minute Commissions Today!

  • Complete A-Z 7 Minute Commissions Training - Worth $497
  • Automated 'Cheat Template' - Worth $497
  • Ethical, World Class Support - Worth $297
  • Bonus #1 - Profit Booster Niches - Worth $297
  • Bonus #2 - Affiliate Profit X - Worth $297
  • Bonus #3 - How To Make $997 Commission On Demand - Worth $497
  • Bonus #4 - Automated Traffic Software Included - Worth $997

(You Gotta Act Fast, Like Now...)

Total Value Of Everything

Grab It All Now For

Yes I want 7 Minute Commissions   

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Secure Checkout  -  30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Regular Price $197

Price Rises In...

Still Have Questions? 

Q: Does 7 Minute Commissions really work?

A: YES! If you still have doubts it’s probably because you’re so disheartened by all the USELESS software and methods you’ve purchased in the past that got you NOTHING. This is again why we want you to try it for a full 30 days, so you have all the time in the world to experience the life-changing results it will get you.

Yes I want  7 Minute Commissions

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Secure Checkout  -  30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Regular Price $197

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Can You Spare


That is literally ALL it takes to get results.




Promise Right Now:

but how

Do You Do That??

Follow our step by step instructions to set up your 7 Minute Commissions System.


Use our copy & paste template to simply SUBMIT DUMB, GENERIC CONTENT

RelaX  and enjoy your winnings.

Sit back and enjoy the constant notifications on your phone. Take our word for it: It's VERY addictive:)


Skeptical - And You Should Be

With our plug & play training, it’s literally like cheating, as you’ll be able to set up your 7 Minute Commisssions “Campaigns” to succeed every single time, using our dumb, generic letters you'll be sending out...

Automated ‘Cheat training’:

Got questions? Need guidance? Need any help? NO PROBLEM; We pride ourselves on world class and prompt customer support, to make sure you succeed with 7 Minute Commissions

Ethical, World Class Support:

But Just To Make It An Absolute NO-BRAINER 

Real Life Value: $997 (when sold separately)

This step-by-step training will take you by the hand and show you exactly how to succeed with a few clicks of your mouse.

Affiliate Profit X

Real Life Value: $497 (when sold separately)

This training reveals a simple blueprint for banking $997 payments over and over again.

How To Make $997 Commissions On Demand

Real Life Value: $297 (when sold separately)

Boost your video views and get more share with this push-button add-on tool.

Video Views + Shares Booster

Real Life Value: $997 (when sold separately)

Boost your video likes, get more comments, and better engagement with this push-button add-on tool.

Video Embed + Likes + Comment Booster

Real Life Value: $997 (when sold separately)


We understand that not everyone can afford to dish out a thousand bucks.

​So we decided to make this unique opportunity accessible for most people...

​You’re not going to pay even anywhere ​close to $1,100… Not even $100…Not even $50…

​Simply click the button below the next paragraph and you’ll get it for less than the price of a large pizza.


$67 A Month


Q: How quickly will I start earning? 

A: Totally up to you!! Sometimes we earn within HOURS.

Q: If 7 Minute Commissions REALLY is impossible to fail with, why don’t you just keep it for yourselves?

A: Because it’s currently not saturated, the market is wide open. That being said, we WILL shut down access to new users once we see any signs of saturation.

Q: Is there a guarantee?

A: Yes there is an unconditional, risk free 30 day money back guarantee. Simply email us at the support email provided inside our member’s area, requesting a refund within 30 days of your purchase, and we will cheerfully issue you a full refund, no questions asked.

Q: What if I need help with 7 Minute Commissions?

A: We have your back! Inside the members area there is a support link, with our team standing by to help you.

Tom E

DISCLAIMER: Every Effort Has Been Made To Accurately Represent Our Product And It’s Potential. Any Claims Made Of Actual Earnings Or Examples Of Actual Results Can Be Verified Upon Request. The Testimonials And Examples Used Are Exceptional Results, And Don’t Apply To The Average Purchaser And Are Not Intended To Represent Or Guarantee That Anyone Will Achieve The Same Or Similar Results. Each Individual’s Success Depends On His Or Her Background, Dedication, Desire And Motivation. As With Any Business Endeavor, There Is An Inherent Risk Of Loss Of Capital And There Is No Guarantee That You Will Earn Any Money.

***NOTICE*** This Site Is In No Way Endorsed By, Related To, Or In Any Other Way Affiliated With WarriorPlus.Com, Google.Com, YouTube.Com, Facebook.Com or any other. 

© 2022 - 7 Minute Commissions - All Rights Reserved

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Vick Carty


Yes we REALLY make $180 every day (avg commission happens in 7 minutes)

Freaky fast results - got 7 minutes? That's all it takes to see results

Works WITHOUT a computer, a phone will work just as good

Newbie friendly, no experience needed

Make money or we’ll PAY YOU for the inconvenience!


No Hard Work. No Waiting. Just $180.


These are Tom's personal results, ranging from when he got started, to recently.


That's The Sound Of Another $10 Payment...


Is 7 Minute Commissions For?











Click PLAY To Copy Our Results: